This is the World we work to create

By Mette Helbæk, chef and co-founder of Stedsans

Many feel heartbroken when they look around at what happens in the world today, and for sure there is much to be sad about.

But every undesired contrast is here to show us what else is possible.

What if we could end all wars?

What if no food was made using poison?

What if we could live on this beautiful planet without doing harm to any species or organism, including ourselves?

What if children were free to explore life creatively before they were told what to think and to sit still at desks all day long?

What if animals were treated with respect?

If we took so well care of ourselves and each other that disease was rare? If we again remembered that for every disease nature brings, it actually also brings a plant to cure it?

If using ancient knowledge about what makes us thrive was encouraged instead of repressed?

What if those in power actually had everyone’s best interest in mind?

If natural resources were considered precious gifts we could all share as long as no one took too much.

If no-one was in debt.

If showing off wealth created by greed was considered a negative trait instead of how it is celebrated now.

What if building up generational wealth was considered building up a good future for all living beings, not just our own family?

What if we were building up the planet to be even more beautiful than it already is?

This is the World we get up every day to do our best to create. As a guest you support this work - and for this we are very grateful.

mette helbæk