Fire - a mix of nature & craftmanship to live on Earth

Humans have been using fire for -400,000 years. It is the most precious knowledge that our ancestors have bequeathed to us, from year to year, century to century, millennium to millennium.

It is one of the 4 elements that make us alive, with earth, water and air. It is symbolically associated with the sun because it is a source of light and heat.

But it is not only that.

Discover the 5 reasons why we put the fire at the heart of what we do.

At Stedsans, fire is a precious tool for the following 5 key reasons.

Cooking - it’s central in our restaurant as we use it to cook our fresh, local ingredients. But also to boil the water to make coffees and herbal teas, and to wash the dishes.

Heating -  we use fire to heat the different spots of our land: the sauna, the boat house, the glass house. As well as outside with the outdoor shower and when our guests come to gather around it while we are cooking.

Lighting - when the night falls in the woods.

Burning - to take care of our gardens and support the natural cycle of life, birth - death - rebirth.

Socializing - we believe fire has this special power to gather people and makes simple moments turn into magical.

Camille Da Silva