A guide to shrinrin yoku (forest bathing)

How to practice shrinrin yoku (forest bathing) ?

1. Put on warm clothes that match the weather.

2. Go outside. 

3. Walk slowly or sit down. Try to adjust your whole beings to the speed of nature. 

4.Try to make your mind still. When thoughts come by, send them away gently.

5. Tune into your senses: What do you see, feel, smell and hear? 

6. How do these impressions affect your inner state? How does it feel in your body? 

7. Can you feel how everything is related? How you and nature are one and the same? 

8. Breathe slowly and try to find the ‘I am’ state. That place where you just exist without any thought or judgment. 

You can save this guide on your phone for next time you go out for a walk.
The picture & the video we chose are ‘winter edition’ but you can practice every season.
Hope it will be helpful!

Camille Da Silva